Abi's Signature
golden hoops

Abi's Signature Necklace

abi's signature earring Design

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Confidence is key to being beautiful, but it never hurts to wear something that gives you the confidence in the first place. 
My love for fashion, art, femininity and culture influenced the Abi Harte Bridal Jewelry Line. Nine different earrings with a personality for any type of woman.

Indulge in the experience

*Our spring collection is live once a year. This site will be live until may 20th 2024. All orders are final sale!

Handcrafted 14k gold filled square earrings

- 14k gold filled
- Roughly 2.25 Inches total length




*This design is very intricate. Each pair of earrings are handmade individually and may look slightly different, this ensures each pair are unique.